I have been practicing Trager for 12 years: 3 years of training and 9
years of practice complemented by training sessions. During this
time I have refined my touch and listening to the body. The
objective is not to “act for the client” but to make that person a
partner of the life within them. That is why I am constantly listening
to the body at all levels.
How to be freer, lighter, more open, softer. These are questions
Trager asks.
Faced with stress, the body becomes rigid, whereas it is just asking
for pleasure, simplicity and fluidity. By releasing tensions, the
person discovers the maximum of his physical capacities and
attains an improved general state.
“Trager is a means of contacting one's inner being by reaching the
deep body tensions in order to release them.”
Using this approach, I enable the discovery of new positive
sensations, greater harmony, and inner peace.
“We can give only what we are. I deeply love life and that is what
my hands are transmitting.”
Trager practitioners®are trained in various countries and are
certified by Trager International®. They participate in a continuous
training programme and their right to practice it is renewed each
year, after an evaluation of their professional capacities.
Site de Trager-France: www.tragerfrance.com
Like every Trager practitioner, I am supervised each year.
Training in France :
2002-2005 : Apprenticeship
2007-2008 : Specialisation training, level 4
2007-2012 : Specific train ing in "Response-Réflex" with R.Kreamer, K. Schauki
Depuis 2007 : Practitioner training :
"mentastics® and batons"," alternative positions", "pathologies", "the pelvis", "the skin", "the conjunctive tissue"
Training abroad :
"The choice to feel" Kate Rose (USA)
"Spirals et Diagonals" Roger Tolle (USA)
"From the core" Avi Bahat (Israel)
"The importance of the pause" Lucas Di Napoli (Italy)
"Trager and Feldenkreis" Lucas Di Napoli (Italy)
Assitant in training courses since 2007 :
With Fabienne Hirsch (France),
Louise de Montigny (Quebec)
Gael Stewart (USA)
Collective experience:
2006 : Practice with hapdicapped patients. R. Kraemer
2008 : Practice in a centre for drug addicts and alcoholics ; practice in schools. D. Berger
2012 : Participation in an International Trager symposium (Italy)
2012 : Trager representative in the « Salon du Zen »
2013 : "The Hook up" Stage 4 et 5. Luca di Napoli (Italy)
Mentastics® training. Piermario Clara (Italy)
2013-2014 : Trager representative at the "Espace des possibles" (Meschers)
2014 : Trager Internationale Meeting. Presentation of my recherch. Aberdeen, Scotland
: Presentation of the Trager method, Santiago de CHILI, through workshops and individuel sessions (method previously unknown in Chili)
Workshop director :
2011 : Trager daily life
Duo work
Trager and sounds
2014 : Trager and Do In (in coordination with another health practitioner)
To refine my technique and my approach, I maintain regular contacts with practitioners of other methods (Feldenkreis, Shiatsu, Facias, Kinesiology, Energéticiens, cenesthésic® massage, sensitiv gestalt massage etc...)"